CyberHarassment, A Pattern Of Behavior
Antonio Lopez, the American adult impersonating UK teenager Kree Love, has a long history on the Internet of Cyberharassment against numerous people associated with Anonymous. Many who have had some contact with him and who are serious social activists, hackers, gamers, or just innocent people that inadvertently trigger what appear to be paranoid delusions have become his victims.

Antonio aka Kree thinks nothing of lying to all of his associates about the people he wants to target in order to get them worked up into a frothing rage and jump into the front lines for him. He also thinks nothing of targeting people in his social circle. Friendship appears to mean very little to him.

It looks like Jamie McKinley taught him quite a sound lesson and as a result he’s afraid to be on the front lines even with back up. Unfortunately, this hasn’t stopped him from continuing his cyberharassment, it’s just motivated him to modify his strategy. Now, he manipulates from behind the scenes and instigates others to go into the front lines for him so that he doesn’t have to take any heat for his activities.

There are plenty of Tards out there ready to be conned into doing his dirty work. Tards who don’t check out the story. If they did, they’d walk away and tell him to fight his own battles like a man, instead of hiding behind everyone else’s skirts like a little pansy.

It’s been my experience that all Cyberharassers are basically cowards who use the same strategies. So, the first time they instigate a harassment campaign, they need to be taught a lesson and then after that, those who shill for them, and are also, often cyberharassers in their own right, also need to be taught a lesson.

Antonio managed to hook up with people who also have the same history of cyberharassment of their own friends and others who associate with Anonymous. This entire group has done absolutely nothing since 2010 except engage in vicious cyberharassment of numerous people online both on their own and in this group.

It’s important to remember that this type of nonsense never ends on it’s own, and it’s a mistake for people to advise others to ‘ignore it and it will go away’. It won’t. If you think it does, give me some actual evidence of a single situation where that happened. You’ll be very hard-pressed to find one. And note that there’s a difference between a normal Internet fight which flares up and is over quickly, and an actual ongoing cyberharassment campaign which someone intentionally instigates and continues to feed.

A full-fledged Cyberharassment campaign will only stop when those who engage in this nonsense are forced to stop either through social pressure, legal means, mental health intervention, standing up to them and exposing their lies, etc.

Bullying and harassment are indicators of an anti-social personality disorder in those who engage in this behavior. As a result the behavior won’t stop on it’s own because the instigators can’t stop. They’re obsessive and they feed on the negative attention.

IRL what we usually see is one bully/harasser surrounded by sheeple who do their bidding but on their own are unlikely to engage in this behavior. As a result the bullying can be stopped by socially isolating the bully from their sheeple.

Since it’s become so much easier to connect with people all over the world online, we are seeing a different phenomenon develop online.

A phenomenon where groups of bullies and harassers are getting together and working together to target innocent people. Even though one bully/harasser might be the alpha dog, the other bullies and harassers are also quite capable of, and do, operate their own bullying and harassment campaigns. Kree’s group is a perfect example of this.

A search on both Michael Babcock aka N2KMaster aka CoderHyguru as well as Heather Martin will give you plenty of evidence to support this fact. Both are running Hate Blogs against individuals, targeting anyone associated with those individuals, and including them on the Hate Blogs as well. I, and many others are listed on their blogs and targeted with their lies because of our associations.

These Tards appear to have forgotten that both the Canadian Charter of Rights and the US Constitution protect our right to free association and no-one, including these Tards have the right to bully and intimidate us because of who we choose to associate with. Using the ‘guilt by association’ fallacy is typical of demagogues and liars who are pursuing agendas and don’t have any truths to support them.

Antonio Lopez aka Kree Love is also running a Hate Blog on his web site targeting me where he also targets others associated with me. He has created a sub-domain using my name without my permission where he has posted defamatory libel on DarkNet’s DoxBin and used an interface to make it accessible on ClearNet.

In response to these attacks I created a web site and this blog and have commented on this topic on some other blogs I run.

I don’t believe that liars should be able to lie with impunity and I don’t believe they should be ignored so I do respond to public lies publicly.

Of course, Antonio aka Kree, likes to play the victim card and pretend that the opposite is true. It isn’t and I can disprove any and all of the numerous variations of his stories which allege that’s the case. Since there are so many variations of this lie (he has to change it every time I refute it) there’s no point doing so here.

An intelligent person looking for the truth will find it in my blogs and web site.

A Tard who prefers to believe the lie will stick with the lie no matter what refutations are provided.

That said, naturally, many of the individuals targeted by these Tards don’t react well to this abuse and respond in kind. When this occurs, you can absolutely certain that ALL the bullies will start a cacophony of screeching and whining about what poor little victims they are and playing the innocents. They ALL suddenly and conveniently ‘forget’ the inconvenient truth that people are simply responding to their abuse.

They consider themselves bullying victims whenever anyone dares to stand up to their abuse and harassment. This is a standard strategy of cyberharassers, cyberbullies and cyberstalkers and a known part of their psychological profile.

You’ll see this pattern play out over and over again whenever cyberharassment is occurring.

If you care enough about ending cyberharassment, cyberbullying and cyberstalking you will pay attention to the patterns of behavior. When you do, it becomes quite easy to detect who the bullies are and who the victims are.

Not standing up to these Tards, hoping that if you ignore them they’ll go away, doesn’t work, has been demonstrated not to work repeatedly and is bad advice. I believe that’s why people end up committing suicide because of these crazies.

Why? Because when you tell a victim to ‘ignore it and it will go away’ you are disempowering the victim and empowering and enabling the bully.

This not only encourages the bully to continue targeting you but it encourages them to target others as well.

They need to be deterred and not enabled.

And as I said previously deterrence occurs when they are forced to stop either through social pressure, legal means, mental health intervention, standing up to them and exposing their lies, etc.

It’s the ONLY thing I’ve seen work and psychological research studies on those who suffer from anti-social personality disorders support this.

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December 21, 2013Leave a reply
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December 2013

Anti-Social Personality Disorders Antonio Lopez CoderHyguru cyberbullying cyberharassment cyberstalking Heather Martin Kree Love Michael Babcock N2KMaster Narcissism negative attention Psychopathy Sociopathy th3j35t3r
CyberBullying CyberHarassment CyberStalking Uncategorized

CyberHarassment and the CyberBullies
Cyberharassment, Cyberstalking, Cyberbullying