Personal Correspondence with a mate Down Under dealing with the NWO in Australia


Waking up for the 2nd time today! The first time I started to doze off with a cigarette in my hand And burned my hair. Oy! I have one eye open. But I want to check the web and see if my new blog went up. I also have to call And deal with the hacking host issue. I spoke with my internet provider and they advised changing my SIM once I get new pc. And when I get to a secure why-spy free zone (outside Tennessee) I will try to change my postly settings and put some distance btwn me And the hackers. Just sort of thinking (strategizing outloud ~ it helps me to write it down)

I also changed the font size on my screen because I was making lots
Of typos and having problems processing the info while under stress. A friend from the military has…

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